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Book Developer's Library: PHP and MySQL Web Development by Luke Welling in EPUB, MOBI


Master today's best practices for succeeding with PHP 5.4 and MySQL 5.5 web database development Long acknowledged as the clearest, most practical, and most down-to-earth guide to PHP/MySQL web development, the brand-new 5th edition of 'PHP and MySQL Web Development' fully reflects the latest versions of PHP and MySQL., Master today's best practices for succeeding with PHP 5.5 and MySQL 5.6 web database development Long acknowledged as the clearest, most practical, and most down-to-earth guide to PHP/MySQL web development, the brand-new Fifth Edition of ""PHP and MySQL Web Development""fully reflects the latest versions of PHP and MySQL. Maintaining the approach that has made this book so successful through, Luke Welling and Laura Thomson add extensive new coverage of security, cloud and mobile development, and using the PEAR repository's massive resources. Part I offers a crash course in using PHP, including data storage/retrieval, arrays, strings, regular expressions, code reuse, objects, and error/exception handling. Next, walk through designing, creating, accessing, and programming MySQL databases. Part III turns to e-commerce, adding extensive new coverage of web security, plus up-to-the-minute discussions of authentication and secure transactions. A full section of advanced PHP techniques addresses everything from networking and filesystem interaction to image generation and session control. The authors conclude with primers on real-world development and debugging, followed by ten start-to-finish case studies, from authentication to content management, personalized PDFs to web services and Web 2.0 apps., Master today's best practices for succeeding with PHP 5.6 and MySQL 5.6 web database development Long acknowledged as the clearest, most practical, and most down-to-earth guide to PHP/MySQL web development, the brand-new Fifth Edition of " "PHP and MySQL Web Development" "fully reflects the latest versions of PHP and MySQL. Maintaining the approach that has made this book so successful through, Luke Welling and Laura Thomson add extensive new coverage of security, cloud and mobile development, and using the PEAR repository's massive resources. Part I offers a crash course in using PHP, including data storage/retrieval, arrays, strings, regular expressions, code reuse, objects, and error/exception handling. Next, walk through designing, creating, accessing, and programming MySQL databases. Part III turns to e-commerce, adding extensive new coverage of web security, plus up-to-the-minute discussions of authentication and secure transactions. A full section of advanced PHP techniques addresses everything from networking and filesystem interaction to image generation and session control. The authors conclude with primers on real-world development and debugging, followed by ten start-to-finish case studies, from authentication to content management, personalized PDFs to web services and Web 2.0 apps., Master today's best practices for succeeding with PHP 7 and MySQL 5.7 web database development Long acknowledged as the clearest, most practical, and most down-to-earth guide to PHP/MySQL web development, the brand-new fifth edition of " "PHP and MySQL Web Development" "fully reflects the latest versions of PHP and MySQL. Maintaining the approach that has made this book so successful through, Luke Welling and Laura Thomson add extensive new coverage of security, cloud and mobile development, and using the PEAR repository's massive resources. Part I offers a crash course in using PHP, including data storage/retrieval, arrays, strings, regular expressions, code reuse, objects, and error/exception handling.Next, Part II walks you through designing, creating, accessing, and programming MySQL databases. Part III turns to web application security, adding new information on web security risks, instructions on how to build a secure web application, and up-to-the-minute discussions of cryptography and implementing authentication in PHP and MySQL. A full section on advanced PHP techniques addresses everything from networking and filesystem interaction to internationalization and localization, generating images, and PHP frameworks and components. The authors conclude with step-by-step walkthroughs of several real-world projects from automated testing, to building user authentication and personalization, to building a web-based email service, to integrating with social media, to building web forums and shopping carts, and even to designing an API for your web applications. Contents at a Glance Part I Using PHP1 PHP Crash Course2 Storing and Retrieving Data3 Using Arrays4 String Manipulation and Regular Expressions5 Reusing Code and Writing Functions6 Object-Oriented PHP7 Error and Exception Handling Part II Using MySQL 8 Designing Your Web Database9 Creating Your Web Database10 Working with Your MySQL Database11 Accessing Your MySQL Database from the Web with PHP12 Advanced MySQL Administration13 Advanced MySQL Programming Part III Web Application Security 14 Web Application Security Risks15 Building a Secure Web Application16 Cryptography Basics17 Implementing Authentication with PHP and MySQL Part IV Advanced PHP Techniques 18 Interacting with the File System and the Server19 Using Network and Protocol Functions20 Managing the Date and Time 21 Internationalization and Localization22 Generating Images23 Using Session Control in PHP 24 Frameworks and Components25 Other Useful Features Part V Building Practical PHP and MySQL Projects26 Using PHP and MySQL for Large Projects27 Debugging and Logging28 Automated Testing, Continuous Integration, and Continuous Deployment29 Building User Authentication and Personalization30Building a Web-Based Email Servicewith Laravel31 Social Media Integration Sharing and Authentication32 Building Web Forums with Simple MVC33 Building a Shopping Cart34 Designing an API for Your Web Applications Part VI: Appendix A Installing Apache, PHP and MySQL ", PHP and MySQL Web Development, Fifth Edition The definitive guide to building database-driven Web applications with PHP and MySQL PHP and MySQL are popular open-source technologies that are ideal for quickly developing database-driven Web applications. PHP is a powerful scripting language designed to enable developers to create highly featured Web applications quickly, and MySQL is a fast, reliable database that integrates well with PHP and is suited for dynamic Internet-based applications. PHP and MySQL Web Development shows how to use these tools together to produce effective, interactive Web applications. It clearly describes the basics of the PHP language, explains how to set up and work with a MySQL database, and then shows how to use PHP to interact with the database and the server. This practical, hands-on book consistently focuses on real-world applications, even in the introductory chapters. The authors cover important aspects of security and authentication as they relate to building a real-world website and show you how to implement these aspects in PHP and MySQL. They also introduce you to the integration of front-end and back-end technologies by using JavaScript in your application development. The final part of this book describes how to approach real-world projects and takes the reader through the design, planning, and building of several projects, including: User authentication and personalization Web-based email Social media integration The fifth edition of PHP and MySQL Web Development has been thoroughly updated, revised, and expanded to cover developments in PHP through versions 5.6 and 7, as well as features introduced in recent stable releases of MySQL. Contents at a Glance Part I: Using PHP 1 PHP Crash Course 2 Storing and Retrieving Data 3 Using Arrays 4 String Manipulation and Regular Expressions 5 Reusing Code and Writing Functions 6 Object-Oriented PHP 7 Error and Exception Handling Part II: Using MySQL 8 Designing Your Web Database 9 Creating Your Web Database 10 Working with Your MySQL Database 11 Accessing Your MySQL Database from the Web with PHP 12 Advanced MySQL Administration 13 Advanced MySQL Programming Part III: Web Application Security 14 Web Application Security Risks 15 Building a Secure Web Application 16 Implementing Authentication Methods with PHP Part IV: Advanced PHP Techniques 17 Interacting with the File System and the Server 18 Using Network and Protocol Functions 19 Managing the Date and Time 20 Internationalization and Localization 21 Generating Images 22 Using Session Control in PHP 23 Integrating JavaScript and PHP 24 Other Useful Features Part V: Building Practical PHP and MySQL Projects 25 Using PHP and MySQL for Large Projects 26 Debugging and Logging 27 Building User Authentication and Personalization 28 Building a Web-Based Email Service with Laravel Part I (Web Edition) 29 Building a Web-Based Email Service with Laravel Part II (Web Edition) 30 Social Media Integration Sharing and Authentication (Web Edition) 31 Building a Shopping Cart (Web Edition) Part VI: Appendix A Installing Apache, PHP, and MySQL

Developer's Library: PHP and MySQL Web Development by Luke Welling read online book TXT, MOBI, EPUB

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