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Read online book David Jones - Martial Arts Training in Japan : A Guide for Westerners in TXT, FB2, PDF


Learn the techniques of Japanese martial arts along with the cultural background and philosophy! Martial Arts Training in Japan: A Guide for Westerners is the first book of its kind. Part travel guide, part survey of the many martial arts styles practiced in Japan, and part introduction to the basics of Japanese etiquette in and out of the dojo, this martial arts book is an excellent introduction to the ways of the Japanese martial arts and the philosophy that energizes martial arts practice even today. With information ranging from the mundane but crucial--such as how to go about testing for rank in a Japanese dojo--to a discussion of the four philosophical worlds of budo, author David Jones has provided an essential reference. Martial Arts Training in Japan includes contact information and advice for training in Japan in the traditions of: Aikido: The Way of Harmony Iaido: The Way of Drawing the Sword Jodo: The Way of the Staff Judo: The Gentle Way Karate: The Way of the Empty Hand Kendo: The Way of the Sword Kyudo: The Way of the Bow Naginatado: The Way of the Halberd Ninjutsu: The Art of Stealth, Martial Arts Training in Japan: A Guide for Westerners is the first book of its kind. Part travel guide, part survey of the many martial arts styles practiced in Japan, and part introduction to the basics of Japanese etiquette in and out of the dojo, this book is an excellent introduction to the ways of the martial arts and the philosophy that energizes martial arts practice even today. With information ranging from the mundane but crucial--such as how to go about testing for rank in a Japanese dojo--to a discussion of the four philosophical worlds of budo, David Jones has provided an essential reference. Martial Arts Training in Japan includes contact information and advice for training in Japan in the traditions of: AIKIDO: THE WAY OF HARMONYIAIDO: THE WAY OF DRAWING THE SWORDJODO: THE WAY OF THE STAFFJUDO: THE GENTLE WAYKARATEDO: THE WAY OF THE EMPTY HANDKENDO: THE WAY OF THE SWORDKYUDO: THE WAY OF THE BOWNAGINATADO: THE WAY OF THE HALBERDNINJUTSU: THE ART OF STEALTH

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