Book Politics in Asia: Sino-U. S. Energy Triangles : Resource Diplomacy under Hegemony (2015, Hardcover) PDF, TXT


In 1993, China became a net importer of energy, but it really was not until the early to mid-2000s that the world began to pay more attention to China s energy needs and its potential impact on the world. With China s energy search occurring within a hegemonic global structure dominated by the United States, as China enhances its ties with energy rich states - which it must do to continue its economic rise - the United States, by virtue of its hegemonic position, has some interest in that relationship. Examining this triangular relationship and questioning whether the US and China are in competition when it comes to access to the energy of a third state, all within the context of a potential power transition, is the aim of this book. Including case studies on China's energy relationship with countries including Canada, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Anola, Nigeria, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Iran, Sudan and Venezuela, this book adds hugely to the literature in fields such as US-China relations, international relations, Chinese foreign policy and global energy geopolitics.", The remarkable performance of the Chinese economy in the last three decades has placed China at the centre of the world stage. In 1993, China became a net importer of energy, although it was not until the early 2000s that the world began to pay more attention to China's energy needs and its potential impact on the world. With China's energy search occurring within a hegemonic global structure dominated by the United States, the US watches with interest as China enhances its ties with energy-rich states. The book examines this triangular relationship and questions whether the US and China are in competition regarding access to the energy of a third state, within the context of a potential power transition. It includes case studies on China's energy relationship with countries such as Canada, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Iran, Sudan and Venezuela and aims to understand the way a rising power interacts with the existing leading power and the possible outcome of this competition. The analytical framework employed helps the reader to understand not only the nature and pattern of triangles among US, China and the Resource Rich States under 'resource diplomacy', but also the salient features of US-China competition around the world. Making an impressive contribution to the literature in fields such as US-China relations, international relations, Chinese foreign policy and global energy geopolitics, this book will appeal to students and scholars of these subjects.

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He's ten, the family dynamics are shifting, and over the summer both the harshness of the adult world and the patterns of the natural world reveal themselves.Also included are good tips for gardeners as well as a rundown of what constellations you can see in the night sky each month.Each of the book's six parts thoroughly focuses on key elements in a logical sequence, so you have what you need, when you need it.Over time, Chinese philosophers, writers, artists and politicians have all sought to reconcile these goals and this book shows how this search for a Chinese way penetrated even the most central, least contested area of modernity: science." Reviving Ancient Chinese Mathematics" is a study of the life of one of modern China s most admired scientific figures, the mathematician Wu Wen-Tsun.Presents case studies of three children referred for psychoeducational evaluation in order to show how the KTEA-3 and WIAT-III may be used as part of a comprehensive test battery.Three powerful and unusual women have central roles in this volatile family feud: Cynthia, bent on destroying Wylie; his mother Kathleen, determined to protect him; and April Holly, a beautiful celebrity snowboarder, on track to win Olympic Gold.Extensive illustrations, callout boxes, and "Test Yourself" questions help students and clinicians quickly absorb the information they need.The known history of the river begins with Genghis Khan and the rise of the Mongolian empire a millennium ago, and the story of the region has been one of aggression and conquest ever since.Following in the wake of great writers such as Richard Jefferies and Edward Thomas, "Dip" combines meditations on place, history and myth with sharp observation and a poet's eye.As he takes the plunge and immerses himself in the elements, Andrew also begins to surface from a deep depression, making "Dip" at once a personal journey and about the many ways in which wild water and nature can restore us to ourselves.", Describes an extraordinary year of wild swimming.