Sandy Price - The Vintage and Antiques Fairs of England EPUB download ebook


England - perhaps more than anywhere - is home to many excellent vintage and antiques fairs, from sprawling events attracting buyers from around the world to smaller local markets, from high-end affairs selling fine furniture, porcelain, silver and paintings to more modest gatherings offering everyday collectables and vintage. This guide provides comprehensive information about forty of the best regularly held fairs across England, offering practical advice on visiting, tips on how to bargain and what to see, eat and do nearby. It is a book for everyone interested in the market experience, antiques-loving or vintage-obsessed, dealers or dabblers., The Vintage and Antiques Fairs of England introduces readers to the most significant, regularly-held markets, from the higher-end fairs to the more wide-ranging flea markets (and a few of the more interesting car boots). After providing some insight into the market experience in general (when to go, what to look for, how to bargain), it then profiles 41 specific markets (informing readers on how to get there, schedules and entrance fees, number of vendors, kind and range of goods, amenities on site, and interesting things to see, eat and do nearby).The book comprises seven chapters. An Introduction to the Markets is followed by Practical Tips for Visiting the Markets and What to Look For. The remaining five chapters canvass individual markets and fairs, organized geographically based on the following broad regions--The Southwest, The Southeast and East, Central England, The North, and London and Vicinity. In selecting the markets featured in each chapter, an emphasis is placed on markets that are regular (held at least four times a year), significant (with, apart from a couple of exceptions, over 100 vendors--some have thousands), diverse and longstanding. The book will be illustrated, with numerous photographs of the markets and the collectibles featured in them.Both engaging and informative in style, the book seeks to give readers (whether seasoned collectors or not) a sense of ease and confidence about accessing the markets and connecting with the wares found in them. In doing so, the book also softens the lines between antique fairs and the more diverse flea markets, as well as the boundary between traditional antiques and collectibles.

Ebook Sandy Price - The Vintage and Antiques Fairs of England in MOBI, DOC, PDF

Like explorers we have sought to map the current currents of radical poetics in the Hudson Valley.Modern Vintage Gifts is a bright modern collection of over 20 patchwork and sewn projects, designed to make you smile and have fun with fabric.For over thirty-five years Meera Patricia Kerr, best-selling author and gifted Yoga instructor, has taught thousands of men, women, and children how to overcome their anxiety and experience greater physical and emotional health.All readers will leave with a new tool of unprecedented power at their disposal--the Boost Metaprogramming Library.Is it a crime scene or a sea of lust?From the most casual sports clothing to the most forma, Dressed up like a million-dollar trouper/ Tryin' hard to look like Gary Cooper/ Super duper -"Puttin' on the Ritz," Irving Berlin (revised lyrics, 1946) In 1946, when Irving Berlin revised the lyrics to his 1928 "Puttin' on the Ritz" to include those memorable lines, Gary Cooper had been a star for over 15 years, and it would have been hard for most men to look as super duper.This Specialty Bible contains five standing features and will be published in bonded leather.Add the fact that it is one of the most spoken languages in the world and the advantages of choosing to learn Indonesian become clear.They lead to a deeper understanding of state-society relations in the Soviet sphere, where the state did not simply "dictate from above" and inhabitants had some opportunities to shape solidarities, identities, and meaning.A concise Indonesian phrase book and guide to Indonesian language, Essential Indonesian contains basic vocabulary necessary for communicating in Indonesian.Expert crafter, Lisa Comfort, in this, her first book, shares the secrets of her sewing passion.Other sections collect vintage Coke signs on variety stores or garage graffiti.Robinson's vision was inspired by his first-hand observations of natural habitats in Europe and North America, and he put his ideas into practice in his own garden at Gravetye Manor in West Sussex.It guides you through each living space, highlighting the design details and key elements that create the vintage look, and suggesting ways in which you can adapt them for your own home., This inspirational book explores the many ways in which you can use antique fabrics, one-of-a-kind collectibles, and flea-market finds to decorate every part of the house, from living spaces and bedrooms to kitchens and even the garden.Fashion fanatics with a passion for the past will find a smorgasbord of wearable oldies in this new study by an expert in twentieth century fashion.The Wild Garden, first published in 1870, issued a forceful challenge to the prevailing garden style of the day and advocated a naturalistic style, in which hardy plants, both native and exotic, are arranged in groupings that mimic wild landscapes.